Saturday 24 February 2018

Project 1 - Creative Task

Bedside Table
This is a project that I designed and made for Design and Technology. It was an ambitious design as the drawer and drawer space are sloped on all slides. After a few design iterations and a fairly problematic and over-complicated initial construction, I was able to simplify the design and create the structure I was looking for. The cost was that it took an entire year to make!

Gardens By The Bay, Singapore
I was lucky enough to visit Gardens By The Bay last month. These 'trees', as well as the Flower and Cloud Domes, blend nature and technology to create a uniquely beautiful setting. I was fascinated by how the geometry of the trees complemented the lush, flowing landscape around them and how the lights and colours shifted to create both vibrant and ethereal atmospheres.

Amaya Hills Kandy, Sri Lanka
I took this picture just before sunset at the Amaya Hills hotel. The hotel looks out over the hilly rainforests of Kandy, which is a beautiful setting on its own, but the late afternoon sun filtering through the rain clouds washed everything in this soft peach glow which complemented the palette of the building. The scene just seemed too incredible not to capture.

 Steampunk, Scavenged, Sleek

 Regret, Steeped, Oozing

Opulence, Gloating, Gaudy